A Great Martin Luther King Jr. Day Breakfast

Yesterday, January 16th at the Putnam Elks Lodge, The Living Faith Methodist Church, Putnam Elks, and The Greater Putnam Interfaith Council put on a breakfast to celebrate Martin Luther King Day. The Tourtellotte Modern Music Ensemble played a great rendition of "Imagine" by John Lennon. Fellowship was had by all.

Our guest speaker, Dr. Matthew Hughey inspired and challenged our assumptions about race and inequality in America today. Martin Luther King Jr. used the science of Sociology with Theology to drive people to become active in the fight for social justice during the civil rights movement. Dr. Hughey challenged us to first be knowledgeable about racial issues, to challenge our own faith's activism and then to get involved in actions that are happening today. He said there is no point in having religion if it is not working toward social justice.

We ended the event with a rendition of "We Shall Overcome". This is our calling as people of faith.