Faith Directory




Putnam Baptist Church

Faith: American Baptist
170 Church Street, Putnam CT
Telephone: 860-928-3678 (Please leave a message.)

The purpose of the Putnam Baptist Church is to be
a community of Christian Believers able to demonstrate,
by the power of the Holy Spirit, the reality of the risen Christ.

Services: Sunday worship service-11 am,
Sept-June, 10am, July-August. Communion
service- first Sun. of the month.
Russian worship service-5pm.

Pastor: Reverend Gil Bourquin


Bahá'í Faith

Devotions: Monthly devotions and meditations
Location: Tolar-Etheridge Residence
30 Pleasant Street, Putnam, CT

Telephone: (860) 928-3814


Phap Hoa Buddhist Temple

Faith: Buddhist
85 Prospect Street, Vernon CT

Phap Hoa Temple has a Vietnamese Buddhist
service on Sundays at 11 am. The Dharma Flower
Sangha is an english meditation group that
meets on Thursdays from 6:45-9pm. 

Phone: 860-896-6999.


Abbot: Ven. Thich Thien Loi


Wat Lao Lane Xang

Faith: Buddhist
40 Cisar Road, Willington CT

Wat Lao Lane Xang has a Laotian Buddhist service
on one Sunday each month. An english meditation
group meets on Wednesdays from 6:00-8pm. 

Phone: 860-429-0401.

Website: Temple Facebook Page

Abbot: Bounlieng Sycoumphonh


Congregational Church of Putnam

Faith: Congregational
175 Main Street, Putnam CT

Telephone: 860-928-4405


Services: Sunday at 10:30 am from Sept.
through June, 10:00 am every second Sunday
of June to Second Sunday of September

Pastor: Rev. Tom Meyer


Congregation B'nai Shalom

Faith: Conservative Jewish
125 Church Street (P.O. Box 46), Putnam CT

Telephone: 860-928-7775 (Please leave a message.)

B'nai Shalom means Children of Peace. The congregation
came together in 2003 with the merger of Temple Beth
Israel in Danielson, CT and Sons of Zion in Putnam, CT.
Temple Beth Israel and Sons of Zion are now Congregation
B'nai Shalom.

Services: Weekly Services are held at Congregation
B'nai Shalom in Putnam, CT Friday evening services
begin at 7 pm followed by an Oneg Shabbat, Saturday
morning services begin at 9:00 am and Sunday morning
features a brief service at 9:30 am when Hebrew School
is in session. Hebrew School: Sundays, 9:30am for pre-K
to Bar/Bat Mitvoh.

High Holiday Schedule:

Rosh Hashonah

Sept. 20, Erev Rosh Hashanah Services, 6:30 PM.
Sept. 21, Rosh Hashanah Services at 9:30 AM on the first day.
Sept. 21, Rosh Hashanah Services on the second evening at 6:30 PM,
following Tashlich at 6:15.
Sept. 22, Rosh Hashanah Services on the second day at 9:30 AM.

Yom Kippur

Sept. 29, Kol Nidre at 6:00 PM, following cello selections at 5:30 PM.
Sept. 30, Yom Kippur Services at 9:00 AM, with Yiskor at 11:30 AM.
Concluding services at 5:15 PM and our Break the Fast at 7:20 PM.

Admission is free & services are open to the public-including the Break the Fast

Sisterhood: We have an active Sisterhood
President: Sue Stern - 860-315-5181

Directory Continued