2019 Faith Holidays and Important Dates


12-15: Eid al Adha * - Islam
23: Krishna Janmashtami ** - Hindu
28: Opening of the Second World Parliament of Religions (1993)


3: Paryushana Parva * - Jain
3: Day gender discrimination was outlawed world-wide (1981)
15: International Day of Democracy (Day to celebrate democratic systems of government throughout the world, bound by rule of law, principles of human rights, and civilian control.)
21: International Day of Peace (Day to demonstrate for peace with justice throughout the world.)
30-October 1: Rosh Hashanah * - Jewish


8: Dasara ** - Hindu
9: Yom Kippur * - Jewish
18: Day the Clean Water Act was enacted (1972) (Day to give thanks for the water we drink.)
21: Day military attacks on civilians were outlawed world-wide (1950) (Day to mourn all civilian victims of war.)
27: Diwali - Sikh - Hindu - Jain
29: Birth of the Báb * - Baha'i Bicentenary Celebration
30: Birth of Baha'u'llah * - Baha'i


1: Samhain - Beltane * - Wicca/Pagan Northern and Southern hemispheres
1: World Community Day (Day for celebrating the unity behind diversity and remembering we are all one people - all children of the one universal Deity of many names and aspects.)
12: Birthday of Guru Nanak Dev Sahib - Sikh
16: Tolerance Day (Day to promote harmony in diversity through mutual respect and understanding of all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, culture, language, nationality, or economic status.)
21: Fast for an Abundant World Harvest (Day to fast and commit to action to help prevent deaths from malnourishment world-wide.)
26: Day of the Covenant * - Baha'i
28: Ascension of 'Abdu'l-Baha * - Baha'i
28: Thanksgiving Day (Day to give thanks for the abundance of our land and for our food, clothes, shelter, and health.)


1-24: Advent - Christian
1: World AIDS Day (Day to pray for healing of all those suffering with AIDS and HIV.)
8: Bodhi Day (Rohatsu) - Buddhism
10: Day the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, and fundamental rights were recognized world-wide (1948).
15: Day the Bill of Rights became part of the U.S. Constitution, guaranteeing fundamental rights to all (1791).
17: Day the Clean Air Act was enacted (1963) (Dday to give thanks for the air we breathe.)
23-30: Hanukkah - Jewish
25:Christmas * - Christian
25: Feast of the Nativity ** - Orthodox Christian
28: Day the Endangered Species Act was enacted (1973) (Day to mourn those creatures already extinct.)